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MBE Practice Test Questions: Get Ready for Your 2025 Bar Exam

What is the Bar Exam?

A Bar Exam is an examination administered in each state or territory of the United States by a committee or board of bar examiners. The purpose is to assess whether a candidate (usually a law school graduate) is competent to practice law in that jurisdiction. This is a two-day bar examination. It’s usually given twice per year, on the last Wednesday in February and on the last Wednesday in July. Bar admission requirements vary from state to state; the passing score is also state-specific. Most US states have adopted the UBE (Uniform Bar Exam) format where the bar exam administered by the state association consists of the following exams: the MBE (multistate bar exam), the MEE (multistate essay examination), and the MPT (multistate performance test).

What to Expect

Most states have a two-day bar examination. Day One is the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE), a standardized 200-item test that covers six areas (Evidence, Contracts, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Real Property, and Torts). Day Two is usually an essay exam with state-specific (produced by local authorities) essays. For the states that have adopted the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) framework, Day Two offers two nationally developed (“multistate”) tests: the Multistate Essay Examination (MEE) and the Multistate Performance Test (MPT).


The Multistate Bar Examination, which is prepared and administered by the National Conference of Bar Examiners, is the first part of the bar exam. It covers material relating to seven legal practice areas. They are Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law, Contracts, Criminal Law and Procedure, Evidence, Real Property and Torts. The MBE has 200 hypothetical multiple-choice questions.

How We Can Help

The following practice test incorporates many of those seven subjects into the hypothetical problem-solving, multiple-choice questions. Most of the 50 bar examination practice questions are based on a hypothetical problem. That problem raises a legal conflict between disputing sides that must be resolved through the legal process. You are learning to resolve such fact-based disputes using proficient legal reasoning and selecting the most likely answer of the four alternatives. You may select the answer you believe to be the best answer, given the facts, the law, and the surrounding circumstances. There is only one best answer, and each question has only one acceptable answer. In the six mixed subject matter examinations, you are honing your legal problem-solving skills by applying applicable law to the factual dispute. This is what attorneys do every day when they practice law. They try to resolve factual conflicts by asserting their choice and interpretation of the law to the given facts on behalf of the client’s position. Each hypothetical is written to get your mind working in the ways of legal reasoning.

This practice bar examination provides extra learning features designed to keep you thinking in the right direction and to improve your understanding of basic legal principles. BPH wants you to be familiar with the potential MBE questions and bar exam material, but first things must come first. Modern science and psychology tell us that you will not perform well unless you are well-rested and free from distracting or fearful thoughts. We use teaching methodologies to get your question-answering abilities loosened up, reinforced with self-confidence, and in full operational order. We do not ply you with pressure to perform. We provide a hint in each question that attempts to guide you toward the answer gently. This is to help you feel comfortable with the bar exam material and get a feeling of mastery over it. The sense of frustration associated with a challenging test can backfire and actually stunt the learning process. We want you to be as relaxed and loose as possible in approaching the material. With a well-rested, flexible, and fun-oriented mental set, you will find your chances for success at the actual bar examination increasing exponentially. If you get a wrong answer, in most cases, there is pertinent statutory and/or case law authority in the “explanation” section. It will assist you in understanding the answer more deeply. You may pursue that legal authority if you wish to go that ‘extra step to understand the answer fully. You’ll also examine how the courts applied the law to the facts. The case facts or reasoning will not always follow your hypothetical problem precisely. However, they will be close enough, and the reading and reasoning exercise is always a powerful way to prepare for the bar exam.

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